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6x28 - Undressed

Episode 628

Poster della serie Undressed

""Spies Like Russ"" written by Russ Cochrane, directed by Michel Beriault Aaron convinces Russ to sneak into Yolanda's room to get the disc with the test answers, but he is caught. She asks him why he is in her room, and he announces that he has a crush on her. This baffels her, and she lets him leave. But just before he goes out the door. She kisses him, and he leaves. In the previous episode, it is explained that Yolanda puts school, work, and her career first. She doens't have time for love, and is shocked when someone likes her. That's why she lets him off easy. Russ tells Aaron about it, and he is shocked, that Yolanda kissed him. Russ wants to call it quits, but Aaron says that he has a good thing going on here. It makes Russ closer to get the disc. ""Boys On The Side"" written by Lisa Branch, directed by Jean-Claude Lord Their is a final rehearse before the huge play and Amy tries to bring out Jodi's lesbian side. It doesn't work, and Sam, the director who knows whats bee

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31 Luglio 2002
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