Pagina dell'episodio'

6x30 - Undressed

Episode 630

Poster della serie Undressed

""Busted"" written by Lara McKinnon, directed by Jean-Claude Lord While at Annette's home, Sandra is still having boob problems. Annette conjures up a face wrinkle cream, where it suppose to swell up stuff, and decides to use it for Sandra's boob. Tania comes over, and Sandra's skin starts to burn (not literally!), so she washes it off. Annette has another prop, he lucky bra, that she wore, when lost her virginity. It's a little to big, so they fold the straps in the back, and glues it down, with a super glue type product. It works, and they want to test it out, so Annette blind fold Tania, and lets her choose a boob. Tania chooses the real boob and Annette guides her hand to the lopsided boob (a.k.a. the left one). Annette then takes off her shirt, and lets Tania compares with Annette's boob, and Sandra's boob. Tania then takes off the blind fold, and tries pull back her hand, but it's stuck on Sandra's boob. Ah, she must of got some glue on her hand. That's when Rick walks in

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5 Agosto 2002
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