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6x31 - Undressed

Episode 631

Poster della serie Undressed

""Double Fake"" written by Russ Cochrane, directed by George Mihalka Cody and Carter are twin brothers who live in the apartment complex. They (or Carter rather) pays for one person despite of having two people living there. A new resident supervisor named Joel just moved in. Which every supervisor they would always hit on, so that they could have their rent lowered. But this time, the supervisor is a guy... he is also gay. Cody and Carter decides to flip a coin, and Carter ""wins"", although loses thru his perspective. Carter (or Cody, thinking back it might of been the other twin) meets the Joel in the elevator and hits on him but Joel doesn't show an interest...yet. The Joel then calls Carter while he and his brother are having fun with these two girls. Carter joins the Joel in the complex's hot tub. The Joel shows an interested, and he moves closer to Carter. Joel then kisses Carter, where he is surprised and shocked by Joel's action. You see the kiss awoken Carter's homosexu

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6 Agosto 2002
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