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6x32 - Undressed

Episode 632

Poster della serie Undressed

""You Bet Your Boobs, Dude"" written by Russ Cochrane, directed by Michel Wachnluc Dexter from (Episode 621) returns with his own segment. We find out that all the bets he was doing (not mentioned by me in the ""Miranda Rules"" synopsis, because it was only a sub-plot) was a way to pay off his college tutition. He is 2 minutes away from winning the bet, which is lip stick all over his body, standing one foot on a stool while holding two balloons filled with something foul by now. His friends Larkin, and Fionna is surprised that he could pull this off. He then reveals that while doing all of these bets he is thinking about a girl named Mona, and that's how he is keeping concentration. That's when Mona, appears nearby. Dexter tries to look down her top, and falls off the stool, losing the bet. Dexter leaves to clean up, while Fionna bitches to Larkin, about liking Dexter. Fionna then talks to Mona in the coed bathroom, and thinks she can't compete with Mona for Dexter. ""Busted"" writt

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7 Agosto 2002
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