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6x5 - Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Escape from the Ozotto Mansion! Goku's Soul Awakens!

Poster della serie Super Dragon Ball Heroes

An Ozotto seizes Chronoa. After defeating the villain duplicates, Xeno Trunks, Goku, and Vegeta find Ozotto strangling Chronoa, then sealing her in a pod. He attacks them with tentacles, then an army of duplicates while gloating that he now has power over time, but he still wants more. Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan are attacked by tentacles, but Hearts and Lagss show up to help. They start freeing unconscious people from pods, but have to fight off Ozotto duplicates. Hearts detects Ozotto has a hidden, vulnerable organ and the outer wall. After Hearts clears the way of duplicates, Vegeta uses Super Saiyan Blue Evolved, flies to the wall, and uses Final Explosion to blow a hole in it. Goku flies out of the hole in "Giant Fat Form" Ozotto's stomach with an unconscious Vegeta and prepares to face him with Ultra Instinct. Meanwhile, Aeos becomes aware of what is happening.

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9 Giugno 2024
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