Pagina dell'episodio'

6x6 - Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Unleash! An All-Out Attack! A Silver Meteor Streaks Through The Heavens!

Poster della serie Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Goku uses Ultra Instinct to dodge "Giant Fat Form" Ozotto's attacks and counterattack. Ozotto is eager to gain his powers and summons an army of duplicates. Xeno Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks continue to fight duplicates. One duplicate turns into Chronoa and uses her time powers, but Xeno Goku frees the unconscious Chronoa from her pod, making her duplicate disappear as Ozotto rages against losing his time powers. Hearts and Lagss carry all the unconscious prisoners out of Ozotto's body. Goku eliminates the duplicates and uses the Dragon Fist to destroy Ozotto. As Goku sees that Chronoa, Xeno Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks are safe, he passes out from exhaustion. Aeos appears and congratulates Goku. Ozotto's remnants slowly regenerate and try to escape, but Aeos traps him in a jar. She then uses the Super Dragon Balls to restore all the destroyed planets and return everyone home.

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