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8x119 - Family Affairs

Episode 1882

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Geri returns to find Marc half naked living under Cat and Doug's roof. Needing a place to stay she turns to Dave but soon finds out that he and Cheryl have broken up and that he's now sleeping in her old room. She decides to give match making a go and talks to both Cheryl and Dave and convinces them that they need to talk to each other. Cheryl is having a rough day after the night before when she slept with Patrick. She tells him that it wasn't exactly a mistake but she didn't mean for it to happen. Later, Cheryl and Dave finally sit down and talk. They realise that neither of them wants to break up and so decide to give things another go and Dave decides to let Cheryl lend him the money for the cab firm, to avoid any other dodgy dealings. Cheryl decides not to tell Dave about her fling with Patrick so he's a little surprised when Patrick tells him what happened . . . Chrissy's plotting against Brendan and Mel, and seems to want everyone to know. She tells Les and Gary that she'

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15 Giugno 2004
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