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8x120 - Family Affairs

Episode 1883

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Dave decides not to believe Patrick's accusations but he does ask Cheryl about her relationship with him. She tells Dave that they're just work colleagues but later, after he speaks with Patrick, Dave gets paranoid when Cheryl's out late with the darts team. They have it out when she gets home and Dave tells Cheryl that they should never have got back together. Also, Eileen offers Gary and Dave ""Cash & Dash"" as a premises for their cab firm. Yasmin tries to bond with Geri and is concerned about her health. Geri has a bone marrow test tomorrow but Yasmin is the only one who knows and she volunteers to go with Geri. Geri decides not to take up the offer. It's a big day for Chrissy, she's organising a dinner party! Her parole officer is pleased that she and Gary are doing things as a couple but Gary isn't so keen. Chrissy and Sharon have no luck in getting Bradley and Mel back together and later, Sharon notices that Gary isn't wearing his wedding ring. Chrissy lies that he's getting i

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16 Giugno 2004
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