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8x252 - Family Affairs

Episode 2015

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Chrissy finally gets a breakthrough in the search for her mother. She heads off after hearing that her mother remarried and finding out her new step dad's name . . . Katie is horrified to see that Owen also spoke to Ray as part of his story and the whole of Charnham is horrified to discover that they've got the family of a killer living on their doorstep. At first the Williams' don't see the papers but later, it's all brought home to Ania when her new friends in school find out. When Katie shows up she can tell that she's not welcome. While Les and Denise can't get on with each other in private, they try to put on a show on unity for Brendan's farewell meal. Things are going well until Christian calls to speak to Denise. Les gets up announcing that he's lost his appetite. Brendan goes off to pack. Soon, the whole family is on the doorstep saying goodbye to Brendan. Mel spots him leaving from over in the salon. She only found out he was leaving earlier that day. She wishes him well

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17 Dicembre 2004
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