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8x253 - Family Affairs

Episode 2016

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Katie tries to clear the family name by confronting the local gossip: Sadie. Later, Katie saves Jake's job by helping him out during his first night back on the job. Jake's so grateful that he kisses Katie goodnight - but it turns into a bit more than that! Chrissy waits and waits for her potential step-father to turn up at his shop. He eventually does but she can't find it within herself to ask him about her mother. Instead she tells him she's interested in buying a kitchen and they make an appointment for him to go to the Costello's and measure up! Chrissy returns home where Gary tells her that he doesn't think it's right for her to lure her step-father to the house under false pretenses. After Christian returns Denise's scarf to Les, Les tells Lucy all about his wife's fling with Caleb that resulted in Brendan! Angry after hearing about his wife's encounter in the park, Les returns home where he hears the message from Denise on the phone. Les immediately calls the police but the

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20 Dicembre 2004
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