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8x4 - New Journey to the West

Episode 4

Poster della serie New Journey to the West

After the dinner, they played the "Guess Who Quiz". For every wrong answer, the production team will remove a Jirisan speciality product from the list of 10 items from the table. They did not win any speciality products. Na PD suggested they form Team Old Boys (Hodong, Soogeun & Jiwon) and Team Young Boys (Kyuhyun, Mino & P.O) and play "Bonus Round over Pears". Team Young Boys eventually win the quiz and a box of apples. Na PD started the Nana Late Night Snack Bar. This is an indivdual game challenge. If they are able to answer the questions, they will be rewarded with the choice of food. If failed, they will be penalised. Morning Mission The theme of the morning mission is "Keep Your Item". They will have to hide and preserve the item they received till the 9am next day. The first three winners will get a hearty breakfast with a beautiful view.

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30 Ottobre 2020
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