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8x5 - New Journey to the West

Episode 5

Poster della serie New Journey to the West

A few days later, Mino and P.O were tasked to design on a t-shirt and hoody jacket for each member and was present on their team building at the studio. Na PD announced the new theme is Retreat for Team Building as a company. Na PD presented 6 makeup designs for the members to decide and played Boom Boom game to select. They end up with the panda makeup. Lunch choice Prior to lunch, Jiwon was asked to make a voiceover of the Swallow (his character in this season) in the car. The remaining were given a task to guess Jiwon's choice of first dish from a selection of 12. If they are successful, they will earn one Dragon Ball but they failed. Korean Language Game Na PD joined the memebers in the car to play "Korean Language Game", but they failed. They have to do a live streaming. They were given a re-match but they failed. At the restaurant, they played "Strawberry Game" to get lunch. After arriving at Yeongwol, they start the team building game.

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6 Novembre 2020
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