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9x4 - Family Affairs

Episode 2029

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Denise is blaming herself for an attempted rape on another woman. She thinks she sould have gone to the police but instead she washed away any evidence on her body and burnt her clothes. Ella and Ania come home from visiting Ella's parents. When prompted, Ania tells everyone that she's decided to move to LA rather than stay with her dad. Later however, Ania confesses to Katie and Alex that she doesn't really want to go to LA - she just said that after she heard Ella telling someone that she's having a hard time there and not really getting along with her husband. Katie and Alex both agree that Ania should tell Conrad and Ella the truth, but Ania makes them promise not to. Tanya confesses to Babs that she knew Liam was having a heart attack when she left him alone in the corridor! Babs begs Tanya to keep it between them but Tanya's not sure she can. Eventually she agrees to do so but later she goes into work and bumps into Liam's mum. Hearing how hurt she was by the death of her son

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6 Gennaio 2005
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