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9x5 - Family Affairs

Episode 2030

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Denise is angered that a big deal isn't being made about the attempted rape of another woman. She tells Les that she wants to speak to that other woman and maybe they can figure out who this guy is . . . she also wants to know how the other woman escaped . . . Les tells Denise that if the two were to meet then it would compromise the case. Chrissy has a go at Mel after she stays out all night with Owen. Chrissy tells her that she must tell Yasmin but Mel decides to put it off. Later, Mel does tell Yasmin and tells her that she's really sorry. Together they formulate a plan to get Owen back. When Owen comes by later to rub Yasmin's nose in it, he gets the cold shoulder from Mel, she also announces that Owen is no good in bed! Katie can't stand to see Ania going to LA for the wrong reasons so against Alex's wishes, she tells Conrad and Ella the real reason. They decide to sit down and talk things through with Ania who changes her mind and tells Ella that she wants to stay with her da

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7 Gennaio 2005
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