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9x83 - Family Affairs

Episode 2108

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Gary is having a rough day. He's unable to sleep and only manages one fare at work before he finds himself distracted by his home life. Things only get worse when Dave confirms that he's taking the job in Scotland! After forgetting to pick Chloe up from school because he was out, driving around, looking for Mel. Gary finds himself at the other end of a good talking to by Chrissy and Myra who try and remind him that he has another daughter too and that he has other responsibilities other than Mel. They try and reassure him that Mel doesn't want to get in touch with them right now, the police are doing their best and all the Costellos can so is go about their lives . . . While out having a fag brake and hassling Doug about his eating habits, Yasmin's kitten comes to the door of the salon. Cat tries to shoo her away but this has the adverse affect and Beyonce ends up running out of the shop. Cat follows but not fast enough as a car comes speeding down Stanley Street -- SPLAT! -- Horrifi

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27 Aprile 2005
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