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9x84 - Family Affairs

Episode 2109

Poster della serie Family Affairs

After Cat finds out that the coin she found while burying Beyonce is worth £300 she tells Doug about it but he wonders what she was doing digging around in the garden so Cat is forced to confess. Doug tells her that she can't keep Yasmin thinking there's hope of finding her kitten alive and so later, Cat tells Yas who is devastated and wonders if she can't look after a kitten for more than a few days what kind of a mother would she be . . . But Adam returns and reassures Yasmin that she'll be a great mum - after all, she's such a great wife . . . Chrissy and Gary get some potentially good news when they hear that Mel's credit card has been used. They eagerly await while the police develop CCTV footage from the cash point . . . Later, the police bring Chrissy and Gary the photos for identification. Gary's optimistic that the fuzzy pictures could be of Mel but Chrissy knows her daughter and she knows that the pictures are not of her . . . It seems like the Costellos are back to square

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28 Aprile 2005
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