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9x85 - Family Affairs

Episode 2110

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Lucy sneaks home after spending the night with Jake. She finds a new message on the answer machine, it's from Pete who tells Eileen that he's made a mistake and that he'll be home today to make things right - Lucy deletes the message! As night becomes morning, Dave and Jake finish off their packing. They talk about the next step in their lives. Dave seems worried that rekindling his relationship with Lucy might have made Jake think again about going to Scotland with him. But apparently not. Jake pays Lucy a visit at the cafe and without warning he asks her to go with him to Scotland! She says she's not so sure but when she hears that Dave invited Eileen it becomes a different matter . . . Lucy goes to see her mum. Eileen and Lucy talk things through. Soon, they emerge and as Eileen drags Dave off to one side, Lucy tells Jake that she wants to go with him! He is delighted! Meanwhile, Eileen keeps Dave waiting for an answer, he thinks she's going to say ""no"" but then she turns around

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29 Aprile 2005
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