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9x86 - Family Affairs

Episode 2111

Poster della serie Family Affairs

Chloe is becoming more and more suspicious about Mel's whereabouts but her parents still refuse to tell her what's really going on. Later, after a conversation with Ania, Chloe confronts her parents with Mel's MP3 player - she says she never leaves the house without it. Gary still insists that she shouldn't know . . . Justin prepares for his hearing tomorrow. He tells Kelly that he thinks there's a good chance they'll take Suzie away from them. Kelly won't listen to him though, she says she needs Justin to tell her that everything's going be alright. Later, Kelly runs into Doug. She tells him that Justin's lawyer has several expert witnesses who will all testify that Suzie's injuries were not his fault but she also mentions that Justin seems to have shut himself off from everybody. This drives Doug to confront Justin. Doug tells his son that he's ashamed o him for the way he's treating Kelly. Justin thinks this over and decides that his father is right. Justin tells Kelly that he thi

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2 Maggio 2005
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