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9x87 - Family Affairs

Episode 2112

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Gary and Chrissy wonder what on earth's going on when they start to receive phone calls from pranksters saying they've seen Mel. Gary heads out to find out what's going on and finds that posters of Mel have been posted up all of Stanley Street with the Costello's number on them. Gary starts ripping the posters down but then Chloe emerges from the Williams house. She tells Gary that she and Ania put the posters up, Chloe just wants somebody to be doing something to find her sister . . . Justin and Kelly have to spend an agonizing time as the judge reviews their case for full-time custody of Suzie. But first, Justin gets a call from the police. He heads to the station with Les, they return so late they almost miss the whole case! But it's good news from the police - they've dropped the GBH charge against Justin! However, that doesn't mean that his childcare skills are not still in the spotlight, a family court is an entirely different arrangement . . . Later, after waiting and waiting,

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3 Maggio 2005
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